Baseball Diamond News

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Cubs acquire Harden

Cubs today acquired 2 pitchers that will help solidify their playoff quest. Today they acquired Chad Gaudin and Rich Harden for only Matt Murton, Sean Gallagher, Eric Patterson and Josh Donaldson. I can't begin to start to say how happy I am. I know Harden has a history of being as brittle as a 95 year old's bones, but hey when he is healthy (and he is currently) he is a top of the line pitcher. With Chad Gaudin the Cubs get a good swing man who will be more dependable than Jon Lieber is.
I have no idea why the A's would do this deal, except that Mr. Hendry must have some good pictures of Billy Beane doing things he isn't suppose to. While I was worried the Cubs would not be able to hold off CC and Ben Sheets, with this acquisition I think the Cubs might be able to. They still could use a dependable lefty in the pen (though Neal Cotts has improved lately) and one more bench player.


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